Rehabitat Fund
The Carpenter's Helpers

Rehabitat uses Christian volunteers to help people of all faiths to age in place. We provide supportive environments to keep people at home (and out of nursing homes and other institutions). We all fear loosing our freedom and becoming disabled or a burden to others as we age. REHABITAT is about freedom, and this begins with freedom in Christ. First it is about the shelter of God, and then it is about the shelter of housing.

Rehabitat Fund has a self-care emphasis, with families caring for their own with the support of volunteers from the church. Our mission is to show God's love in action as we help families to provide modifications that enhance independence and prevent disabling accidents. The operative word here is prevention, catching problems early before institutionalization is necessary.

It begins with a local congregation who wants to share God's love with older and disabled people. Leadership is typically provided by three members of the congregation: a health care provider, an architect or designer, and a member of the missions committee. The provider is responsible for identifying disabled and older people in need. The missions committee member develops resources to meet their needs, and the designer is responsible for the home needs assessment and modification.

Rehabitat Fund provides training in universal design, friendship evangelism, resource development, and needs assessment. We offer seed money and technical support for the retrofitting including a home assessment survey. Upon completion, the survey is analyzed by computer software. A customized report is then prepared for each client recommending building modifications for their home.

To bring a Rehabitat Chapter to your church email or buy an award winning book to benefit Rehabitat.